miércoles, abril 04, 2007
Okay, it's been a long time now since I last posted an entry about me.
Anyway, since Uni started last Feb... my life has been a never-ending bullet train ride. I had to work fast with much consistency and effort. Okay, I'm doing the same number of subjects as last year. Well doi! that's mandatory >_<.. My subjects: Academic English, Physiology Practical, Principles of Physiology & Anatomy 1
Of all my subjects, my favourite would be Anatomy 1. It's not because of the practical component of it (e.g. looking at dissected cadaver specimens) but it's very challenging. It's interesting to know the parts and names of the bones, muscles, ligaments, nerves, blood vessels and much more. It's interesting to know how cancer spreads and how it relates to lymph nodes and valveless blood vessels; how to know the procedure to a lumbar puncture; the reasons behind a disc prolapse; the onset of arthritis or osteoporosis; a difference between lyphosis, kyphosis and scoliosis and many many more. Very interesting... the bad bit?!? THE MEMORIZING bit... analysing and relating one structure into the others is not that hard at all.. it's the memorizing of the names that's so hard core and muscle attachments.

Oh yeah.. here's an info about wrist laceration AKA para sa mga taong mahihilig maglaslas:
The wrist is composed of 8 bones, long tendons from the flexors of the forearm, nerves, arteries and blood supply.
A sheet covers all these structures except for the Palmaris Longus tendon that goes over the sheet and the Ulnar Artery & Ulnar nerve.
WHEN YOU CUT YOUR WRIST, you damage a part of your palmaris longus ligament. A damage to the tendon of the muscle affects the functionality of that muscle in the forearm. Plus if you cut it further towards the ulnar side (the side of your wrist near the little finger), you damage your ulnar nerve & artery.

A damage to the nerve cuts the nerve supply (DUH) to the 1.5 fingers (little & 1/2 of ring finger) that results to numbness

Will you die?!? no. People who had amputation of their fingers, hands or the whole upper limb were still able to survive without the existence of a part or of the whole upper limb.
You want to die fast? Try something that will directly affect your heart & your brain.
Why some people die from wrist laceration? could be because the cutter they use has rust that gave an infection.
Plus, if your wrist is compressed... a damage of the median nerve could happen (the nerve inside the sheet)... some nerves do not grow back, most nerves do. a permanent damage to the nerve... tsk tsk... causes numbness on the structure that it attaches to.

sheesh.. enough about anatomy... too much anatomy makes a person go insane from all those jargon.
oh my... grabe, i lost track... 8:57pm na pala... i have to study pa.
It's a good thing na tom is the last day before we get a week vacation. It's not really a holiday for me since... i have to prepare for two mid-sem exams when i get back to uni, an oral presentation, a major essay, a group presentation and whew.. getting copies of past exam papers to prepare for the final semester exam.
This is just a piece of what is ahead of me... especially if i want to pursue medicine after my double degree. Well, I have a friend who does engineering & law and still wants to take medicine.. and a friend who was able to transfer from my degree to taking law. Law is as competitive as medicine, and if they made it... I will >_<