domingo, agosto 20, 2006

(sorry, i can't find the exact image of its album cover)
Pumapatak Ang Ulan Parokya Ni Edgar
Yakap Sa Dilim Orange And Lemons
Doo Bidoo Kamikazee
Awit Ng Barkada Itchyworms
Nakapagtataka Sponge Cola
Ewan Imago
Batang-bata Ka Pa Sugarfree
Kumot At Unan Boldstar
When I Met You Barbie Almalbis
Bakit Ang Babae Sandwich
Kabilugan Ng Buwan Drip
Di Na Natuto Sound
Anna Top Suzara
Blue Jeans Rocksteddy
Panalangin Moonstar88
Paano Shamrock
Pag-ibig Kitchie Nadal
Bawa't Bata The Dawn
On the Look-out For: The APO tribute compilation album: Kami nAPO Muna!
Another tribute album...
After the success of Ultraelectromagneticjam, fans are soon to be treated again to a smorgasbord of rehashed songs in honor of, this time, Apo the APO Hiking Society. Composed of Danny Javier, Jim Paredes and Boboy Garovillo, the APO was a potent force in pop music during the 80's and early 90's with their poignant, yet often funny, lyrics and catchy tunes...
To be released by Universal Records (formerly WEA, which was the APO's recording company then) this August and supported by MAgic 89.9's Local Vocal, Kami nAPO Muna has most of today's top bands singing original APO songs... already I have heard Do BiDoo by Kamikazee and Pumapatak Na Naman Ang Ulan by Parokya Ni Edgar... So far, other songs I know of are Yakap Sa Dilim by Orange and Lemons, Awit Ng Barkada by Itchyworms and Ewan by Imago... other bands in the album include Sandwich, Sugarfree, Sponge Cola, The Dawn, Rocksteddy, Boldstar, Moonstar 88, Shamrock, Kitchie Nadal and Barbie Almalbis, plus ... Drip, Sound and Top Suzara.
You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing
an imperfect person perfectly.
Love grows by giving. The love we give away is the only love we
keep. The only way to retain love is to give it away.
Love is always bestowed as a gift -- freely, willingly, and
without expectation. .. We don't love to be loved, we love to love.
Love is a thing, well, its kind of link quicksand: The more you
are in it, the deeper you sink. And when it hits you, you've just
got to fall.
During one of our seminars, a woman asked a common question. She
said,"How do I know if I married the right person?" I noticed that
there was a large man sitting next to her so I said, "It depends. Is that
your husband?"
In all seriousness, she answered "How do you know?" Let me answer this
question because the chances are good that it's weighing on your
Here's the answer.
EVERY relationship has a cycle. In the beginning, you fell in love with your spouse. You anticipated their call, wanted their touch, and liked their idiosyncrasies.
Falling in love with your spouse wasn't hard. In fact, it was a
completely natural and spontaneous experience. You didn't have to DO anything. That's why it's called "falling" in love... because it's happening TO YOU.
People in love sometimes say, "I was swept off my feet." Think
about the imagery of that __expression. It implies that you were just
standing there; doing nothing, and then something came along and happened
Falling is love is easy. It's a passive and spontaneous experience. But
after a few years of marriage, the euphoria of love fades. It's the
natural cycle of EVERY relationship. Slowly but surely, phone calls
become a bother (if they come at all), touch is not always welcome
(when it happens), and your spouse's idiosyncrasies, instead of being
cute,drive you nuts.
The symptoms of this stage vary with every relationship, but if you
think about your marriage, you will notice a dramatic difference
between the initial stage when you were in love and a much duller or even
angry subsequent stage. At this point, you and/or your spouse might
start asking, "Did I marry the right person?" And as you and your spouse
reflect on the euphoria of the love you once had, you may begin to
desire that experience with someone else. This is when marriages
breakdown. People blame their spouse for their unhappiness and look
outside their marriage for fulfillment.
Extramarital fulfillment comes in all shapes and sizes. Infidelity
is the most obvious. But sometimes people turn to work, church, a
hobby, a friendship, excessive TV, or abusive substances.
But the answer to this dilemma does NOT lie outside your marriage.
It lies within it.
I'm not saying that you couldn't fall in love with someone else.
You could. And TEMPORARILY you'd feel better. But you'd be in the same
situation a few years later.Because (listen carefully to this):
The Key To Succeeding In Marriage Is Not Finding The Right Person;
It's Learning To Love The Person You Found!
SUSTAINING love is not a passive or spontaneous experience. It'll
NEVER just happen to you. You can't "find" LASTING love. You have
to "make" it day in and day out. That's why we have the __expression "the labor
of love." Because it takes time, effort, and energy. And most
importantly, it takes WISDOM. You have to know WHAT TO DO to make your marriage
Make no mistake about it. Love is NOT a mystery. There are specific
things you can do (with or without your spouse) to succeed with
your marriage.
Just as there are physical laws of the universe (such as gravity),
there are also laws for relationships. Just as the right diet and
exercise program makes you physically stronger, certain habits in your
relationship WILL make your marriage stronger. It's a direct cause
and effect. If you know and apply the laws, the results are
predictable. .. you can "make" love.
Love in marriage is indeed a "decision".. . not just a feeling.
martes, agosto 08, 2006

Many of us would be familiar of the Yin & Yang symbol. It is one of the most famous symbol in the South East Asia. The Yin and the Yang have different meanings. I am personally fascinated by that concept (ever since I did my paper on the difference between sex and gender for Anthropology). So fascinated that I can actually apply that symbol in my life - the Yin & Yang in me & Ivan.
1. Yin and Yang corresponds to opposites
Yang represents the sun, day, light, warm, active, summer, left and heaven. Yin represents the complete opposite - the moon, night, dark, cool, passive, winter, right and earth. Generally speaking, Yang represents the male and Yin represents the female. I am Yin and my Yang is my boyfriend, Ivan.
2. Yin and Yang corresponds to dependence and independence
Yang can move without Ying and the same goes with Yin. They can make their own decisions and can function independent from the other. But there is a relationship that binds them which actually makes them dependent on each other. Dependence in a 'support-system-kind-of-way'. Yang can exist without Yin (and the other way around) but Yang will find it hard to survive and live without Yin. Like the hands, you can survive without your right hand but you'll find it hard to live with only one hand.
3. Yin and Yang corresponds to balance
Yin and Yang is about 'even-ness' and the equality of two personas. Both of them are of the same importance and one does not overpower the other. One does not take advantage of the other. One complements the other and both share equal appraisals. There is harmony and balance between them. They are a pair or a duo.
4. Yin and Yang corresponds to transformation
As day transforms into night so as our relationship. One influences the other which transforms one's outlook in life. It also is a transformation from high school sweethearts into a developing mature, long-term, committed couple. It is a cycle and a never-ending transformation from one stage to another. It is a never ending change to maintain the equilibrium between them.
5. A part of Yin is Yang and a part of Yang is Yin (the white dots)
One cannot exist without the other (as what i typed a while ago). There is light in the dark and there are cool winds in summer. My boyfriend and I are a part of each other. The gaps in our fingers complements the gaps in his. Half of our hearts belong to the other.
I am a part in Ivan and so is he in me. And this completes the circle of the Yang & Yin.
lunes, agosto 07, 2006
To make this blog less complicated, I will separate different topics. Although some of them are related to one another at some point. But oh well, just read on since it doesn't bother me at all if you don't understand the flow of my writing (i won't EDIT this, even my use of the english GRAMMAR!). Just a tip, if you start to develop a headache while reading my post (you actually don't have to finish reading this, it's not mandatory... it's not even a chain letter!) then just click at the exit button.
It's been a long time since I actually had made a post here on my blog. Yeah, I've been busy and I've been doing research. Research you say? Yeah. Mostly on meaningless stuff through the ever reliable internet world. And browsing from various sites that increases my eagerness to start doing something as soon as possible (this web browsing hobby has been eating my time recently).
Let me start off with my part time job. Job is actually okay. It's not really exciting and it's not boring as well. It is challenging (learning how to make coffee) and great (seeing your weekly salary of ~$70 - 130 is not that bad). I actually want to quit the job for the main reason that it eats up my time with studies. I want to focus on one thing and only one thing, UNI. However, as time pass by I have been pondering on things and looking at things ahead of me (financially ofcourse). So what is it that has actually been pre-occupying my mind these past few days? (Yep, it's quite recent.. that's why I said 'FEW DAYS')
Well since Semester two started, I signed up for this weekly seminar on KickStart your Career for Science in Melbourne University. I know, it's quite irrelevant to my course but hey! It's about CAREERS which actually does affect me and is really relevant to my future. It opened my mind to actually explore different things. Take note, we've only had two seminars so far. Hey! look how inspired I am to actually put into practice the things that I've been picking up from that talk. That's why I love my uni.. you get the best from the best!
The talk is mainly about building your career profile and selling yourself to the market (especially through Networking). I find it not surprising that the lecturer was quite right to the fact that not many employers seek for people that has a degree or had high marks during their university life (although it does add up to your career profile at some point, but not a MAJOR FACTOR). What employers seek for are potential employees that have the satisfactory skills (Generic skills) that you had achieved from your past experience. These can be from social groups, organizations, part-time jobs, volunteer work, and the list goes on... As a potential employee in the future (if you are not graduating yet or planning to enter/re-enter the job market) it actually helps if you consistently build on your resume. This will be advantageous in the future and would give you less worries when applying for a job. And ofcourse, the more active you are while balancing the burden between university life and other skill-building extra curricular activities the more work culture you earn. Oh ofcourse, the more professional/non-professional people you meet that could play a big part in your Network.
What is a Network? What is Networking? Well career-ically speaking (what-a-word!), network is basically the whole group of people around you that you socialize with, work with and has a strong relationship with. Networking is the process of utilising those networks that will be of great advantage to you in your career. With the networks that you build, finding a job is easy because it's either they refer you to a job or they can be a source of reference in your career portfolio (CAREER PORTFOLIO = resume'/curriculum vitae, cover letter, responses to the selection criteria, project reports, performance appraisals, samples of work, certificates, references -> an example).
Certainly, the degree you earn (from your pawis & dugo) counts as merely 40% (just a guess cause I am not a statistician although I try to understand statistics in psychology) out of the whole 100%; 5 - 10% will obviously come from the networks you have built. I guarantee that most employers will hire employees that they know are reliable. If a person (your network) recommends you a job that happens to be an employee there or an aquaintance/friend of the employer they are assured (at some point) that you are a big help for their company. Most employers are looking for employees who will not just give their company profits but a strong working-relationship with each other. The 50 - 55% of the package comes from your skills.
What are the valuable skills that employers are looking for? Skills such as teamwork, communication, research, critical thinking, leadership, judgement, initiative, adaptability, competitiveness (how is my spelling?!?) and many more. Remember that your university does not really give you what you need to know in the real world. There are certainly a lot of successful people around the world who never actually finished a degree but earns a lot even more than what doctors earn. You have to experience everything even outside the bounderies of your university. Ever heard of the saying that not everything you learn in school is what you can actually apply in reality? It's different when you learn stuff from books than what you actually learn through/by experience. Although I'm not telling you to slack off at studying!
Whew!!! I guess I got carried away talking about careers & stuff... but if you are interested, I'll keep you posted.
Next thing that I'm actually thinking of is INVESTING. Getting on in the market and taking advantage of the real estate in the Philippines. Most of the target market of these real estate markets are balikbayans. Why? Because of the high exchange rate and the low interest rates in the Philippines (Yeah, I'm still doing my research abut this ---> purely fun and not school related). I am actually quite amazed that I can take advantage of these to invest my money in something that is quite profitable (in the long run). It is costly (i know) but this certainly has more advantages that disadvantages (as far as i know and ofcourse, for every advantage there will always be an equivalent disadvantage). So far, I have my eyes on Soho Central (which according to the website, it's already SOLD OUT!!!!!) & on Grand Soho (which is very cheap... only P12,000/month). A particular location that I want is actually the one at The Fort but it is expensive although it is a rising location perfect for investing. I am still thinking about this one and I'll try and talk to my cousin who i'm planning to share the condo-finances with.
Another recent activity that has actually grabbed my attention is from Trisha. It's the Gawad Kalinga. Most of you will actually have heard of this non-profit organisation. I miss volunteering and being a part of an organisation that aims to help especially the country where I am from. I am currently helping them organise for the fundraising concert. The profit will ofcourse go to the poor families in the Philippines. They are conducting a 4-day outreach in the Philippines at January 21 (wow! 2 days before my birthday) but I am not sure if I can go since tickets are not shouldered (duh! NON-PROFIT!!!). As of the moment I have done nothing for the concert! But I will certainly help and by the end of this week, I can give them updates on things. I cannot attend any of their meetings because it does interfere with my studies & my job at the moment. Although being a member doesn't actually mean that you have to be present at all times, what matters is you get to participate at some point and not just be a member (AKA mga palamunin).
Last but not the least, MY TRIP TO THE PHILIPPINES. When will I actually go back to the Philippines? Well, it's easy to plan things but its hard to save up. I am saving up my allowance & my salary to be able to go back. My cousin (the one I had mention) has been urging me to come by May (he emphasized ->Why not come with us sa PI next year ng May. Just plan for it. It's going to be nicer, no parents. Inumpisahan mo na palang pinag-ipunan eh. . -- i love the idea of going to the Philippines without parents around for a while hehe..) Because he & his family will take their vacation in Phils at May. Easy for them to say, heck! THEY HAVE THE MONEY!!! I don't, I only have around ~$350 (my next salary this Teusday has been included there minus my mom's utang). Even if I do, I don't think May - July season is the best months for me to go (although airline tickets are way much cheaper & it is indeed our mid-semester break). I would prefer the Nov-Feb where it is practically longer and I don't have to actually worry about uni. The only thing I need is MONEY (around ~$3,000 if you are nice enough to give me one -- NOT A LOAN!). WHERE WILL I GET THE MONEY FROM? Any financial advice?
Enough about my usual drama in life... I'll go back to doing my research. This is actually school-related. It's for my social psychology paper.. then I'll get back to organic chemistry & genetic questions (i know, i can't seem to finish those bugging questions!).