Romantic Compatibility
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Aquarius & Pisces
When Aquarius and Pisces join together in a love match, there is much compassion and creation. These partners are idealistic as individuals as well as they are together. Pisces flows with their dream-like surroundings, and Aquarius is constantly coming up with new inventions and ways of doing things. This relationship digs deep for the truth of the matter at hand, and both partners are always looking for solutions to problems. They both tend to be introspective. Aquarius can often be quick to judge those who don't share their vision, while Pisces is often too compassionate, even for those who don't necessarily deserve it.
Aquarius and Pisces make very good friends as well as excellent lovers. Problems are rare, but sometimes Aquarius can be too intellectual and aloof for Pisces, and Pisces may at times be too self-sacrificing and gullible for the Aquarian taste. Sometimes different reactions to a situation may cause a cavern between the two; Aquarius is quick to dismiss those who don't agree with their opinions, and Pisces takes on others' issues too quickly. On some occasion, the pair will have conflicts, but these partners can forgive and forget easily.
Aquarius is ruled by the Planets Uranus and Saturn, while Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. Uranus focuses on iconoclastic ideas and innovative practices. Saturn gives this relationship the drive to act on these ideas and the ability to organize the details that will animate them. Jupiter is about philosophy, teaching, and understanding, and Neptune focuses on spirituality, so Pisces likes to truly understand new and exciting things, such as their partner. Whenever Aquarius comes up with a new idea -- as they so often do -- Pisces is eager to understand it on an intuitive level. This duo creates a complementary relationship deep in intellectual and emotional resources.
Aquarius is an Air Sign and Pisces is a Water Sign. This relationship is motivated by thought and feeling, respectively. There is always a lot going on, and this tends to be a very flexible and progressive union. When it's good it's very good, but when it's bad, communication is abysmal. Pisces likes to be where Aquarius's action and intellect stirs, and Aquarius can learn social tolerance and warmth from the demure Pisces. This team works well together. Although they may disagree, their differences of opinion don't last long. Conflicts may arise because of Pisces's need for emotional support and tenderness, and Aquarius's preference for ideas rather than romance.
Aquarius is a Fixed Sign and Pisces is a Mutable Sign. Aquarius initiates new ideas and changes, and Pisces will accept these as long as they have an assigned role in bettering the relationship. When these partners get together, they won't argue over who gets to take the credit for their achievements. Both Signs are better at starting things than ending them; if Aquarius gets bored with the relationship, Pisces will soon follow the example and want to move on.
What's the best aspect of an Aquarius-Pisces relationship? It's their mutual interest in cultivating knowledge and accepting modern and cosmopolitan ideas. They are well matched in their enthusiasm, energy, and desire for a sincere, open and honest relationship. Their common interests and reciprocal personalities make theirs a compatible relationship.
I told you! I told you!!! Federer will win the Australian Open!!!!

Hehe.. it was a very good match!!! Wala na akong masasabi pang iba! Haha.. if you want more information about Roger Federer, the World's number one in Tennis or the Australian Open... search nyo nalang sa web! Haha!!
I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.
It occurred to me again, this time in the middle
of procrastinating against studying for an exam
tomorrow. I kept you safe within the remote areas
of my consciousness, but suddenly, as if driven
by an unknown force, your memory unearths itself,
returning some sort of unfinished business.
Consequently, I pause from studying and I start
thinking about you.
And it always left me a touch of sadness.
As far as I was concerned, I made it a point not
to think about you anymore, at least not that
often as I used to, in the form of preoccupation.
There’s a lot of homework to do, friends to spend
time and energy with, family affairs, television,
radio. There’s even a new object of affection in
the rough. Works for the most part, I should say.
Within the confines of my room with school books
before me, there is forgetting.
Just like the manner by which ice cubes freeze
bacteria within their crystal networks. As long
as they remain frozen, everything’s safe. There
is no need to worry.
But somehow, you still manage to permeate my
system, as if it were an expertise or a tediously-
learned skill. Moment by moment, you profusely
enter my mind, filling my awareness with lost
memories of once-upon-a-times and whatnots.
Remembrances of holding hands, afternoon walks,
lunch outs, text messages and phone calls. Of
yesterday’s seemingly unbreakable promises and
proclamations of forever.
I should’ve put into mind what an old friend once
wrote, ‘Forever is not real’.
I have always yearned to understand what had
happened between us. Us won’t even suffice: it
was never a real relationship to begin with. We
just hung out and talked and spent time together
more often than we did with our other friends and
colleagues. Sometimes it pained me that I could
not do anything in my power to make you speak
about us. Certainly, the ambiguity was present,
the ambiguity which you never wanted to clarify.
I could only let you go on with whatever it was
that you desired, whether it be ranting about
your insecurities, rejoicing over happier news or
lamenting about your eventful past. On the other
side, I remained silent in the middle of your
hyped-up emotion. I was like a child with beaming
eyes, eager to hear more stories of how you came
about to be the person that you are. For you once
told me that listening to you gave you strength
to go on, and so I did. I have always wanted you
to be okay.
Yet when it was my turn to be heard, the silence
was a void. I suspended my disbelief when I
convinced myself that you always meant well,
whenever you apologized for there was nothing you
can do about my bouts of depression, or when you
simplify things by saying that everything will be
alright. I know I should not expect things from
other people; perhaps I was at fault when I
wanted more from you when you can only give so
You hurt me. You hurt me many, many times. You
hurt me so intensely I never dared to tell you
anything about it. I was a fool to think that it
was a better way of dealing with things. And
that, I presume to be my biggest mistake: I
abandoned myself. I sought for your happiness
that I forgot about mine altogether.
And just like that, you vanished, very much like
a soap bubble floating across air. I have watched
you in complete awe, wonder and even fascination.
And similar to any ethereal fleeting moment, you
were gone, leaving me clueless as to whether you
even existed in the first place.
So maybe what we had was love. Maybe I loved you,
and I hope to heavens that you loved me back:
even just for a split second when we held hands,
or during that moment when I looked into your
eyes, or the time when I laughed at one of your
silly quirks. I’d be content with that idea, I’d
be content that in the course of our friendship,
there was a moment of mutuality; even if it was
so quick I never noticed it all.
Perhaps I still do love you, but that won’t do
much now. I can fight to save everything that
I’ve invested, but I chose not to. I have
treasured you in the past, and that will be
enough. Right now, all I can do is wish you well
in all your endeavors, including the pursuit for
the one who is right for you. When you find her,
I wish she makes you happy. You make her happy as
The end is only a beginning disguised as a
parting. I will still think about you every now
and then, probably be sad once in a while, but
you need not to worry. For I am okay and I will
be okay under all circumstances. It may take time
for me to love again, but in the long run, it
will be all worth it. I may still risk myself,
but every risk in its own respect is worth taking
anyway. Love is such a convoluted mixture of
emotions and decisions that it’s a matter of
working your way through it.
Thank you for gracing my life like a whirlwind,
leaving me breathless and hurt, inspired and
furious, affectionate and listless. You’ve taught
me quite a lot and I learned them in the most
humbling manner. Thank you for showing me what it
means to be human, to commit mistakes, and to
discover how to regain yourself after everything
that had happened.
Like what I always say, Ad astra per aspera. A
rough road leads to the stars. I’m on my way to
becoming stellar.
I tried not to miss you But I can’t help it Missing those nights when we talk Exchanging laughter in print And stories only you and I understands
I may not hear your voice at times But the sound of it lingers in my mind
Let it go for 2006..
>By T. D. Jakes
>There are people who can walk away from you.
>And hear me when I tell you this!
When people can walk away from you: let them walk.
>I don't want you to try to talk another person into
>staying with you, loving you, calling you, caring
about you, coming to see you, staying attached to you.
I mean hang up the phone.
>When people can walk away from you let them walk.
>Your destiny is never tied to anybody that left.
>The Bible said that, they came out from us
>that it might be made manifest that they were not for
>us. For had they been of us, no doubt they would have
>continued with us. [1 John 2:19]
>People leave you because they are not joined to you.
>And if they are not joined to you, you can't make
them stay.
>Let them go.
>And it doesn't mean that they are a bad person. It
just means that their part in the story is over.
>And you've got to know when people's part in your story is over so
>that you don't keep trying to raise the dead.
>You've got to know when it's dead.
>You've got to know when it's over. Let me tell you
>something. I've got the gift of good-bye. It's the
tenth spiritual gift, I believe in good-bye. It's not that I'm hateful, it's
that I'm faithful, and I know whatever God means for me to
have He'll give it to me.
>And if it takes too much sweat I don't need it. Stop
begging people to stay.
>Let them go!!
>If you are holding on to something that doesn't
belong to you and was never intended for your life, then you
need to......
>If you are holding on to past hurts and pains .....
>If someone can't treat you right, love you back, and
>see your worth.....
>If someone has angered you ........
>If you are holding on to some thoughts of evil and
>If you are involved in a wrong relationship or
>If you are holding on to a job that no longer meets
your needs or talents
>If you have a bad attitude.......
>If you keep judging others to make yourself feel
>If you're stuck in the past and God is trying to take
>you to a new level in Him......
>If you are struggling with the healing of a broken
>If you keep trying to help someone who won't even try
>to help themselves......
>If you're feeling depressed and stressed .......
>If there is a particular situation that you are so
>used to handling yourself
>and God is saying "take your hands off of it,"
>then you need to......
>Let the past be the past. Forget the former things.
>GOD is doing a new thing for 2006!!!
>Get Right or Get Left
>.. think about it, and then ....
This morning... I woke up early to prepare... where am I going? Why to enroll ofcourse! Where exactly? The University of Melbourne (naks, yabang ko na ngayon!)...
Anyway... so there I was... carrying with me the following:
My Science hand guide, of course with my | |
My Arts hand guide as well.. since I am | |
The Enrolment guide since it has the | |
The school map - so that I won't get lost | ofcourse my train ticket, passport, TFN & money ^_^
Then, there I was... my appointment was 1:30 pm and I was there at 12:06 - i think. Too early yeah? I thought so too... but there were heaps of students on queue already. Good thing I went there early. The lady gave me my student number then filled up some forms & a survey sheet. After a while, I was talking with some of the faculty advisors from the Faculty of Science then the Faculty of Arts. After a few minutes of debating as to which subjects & major I want to do... I have finally come into terms with them and decided to take the following subjects:
That was fine.. until I saw how much I'm going to pay with school just for the first semester... I was like.. whoah!!!
(btw, when my mom saw the fees... she said; "kaya ko naman palang bayaran ito.. you should have opted for a semestral fee payment not the bi-semestral." -_-)
After keying in my subjects and confirming them.... I went from McCoy Building to Willson Hall, had my enrolment confirmed and got the following:
My Student Diary for 2006 | |
My Concession Card for my train, bus | |
And of course... my student I.D. And... |
When I finished everything and I was so easger to go home.. it rained!!! wuhuhuhu... i had to walk under the rain... i brought an umbrella and guess what? I didn't know that it was broken!!! Good day eh? Then when I went home.. we went to my auntie's place to chill hehe... (I haven't use that word - chill, in years...)
Here I am.. online.. disappointed though that it's a friday night and Ivan is not online. After writing this entry... I'll go ahead and sleep.
***btw.. i was able to call ivan... he told me that he can finally do his own necktie! Hehe.. last time, it was my dad who did his tie during my debut!
The best gift anyone can give me this new year is a planner. I like planners because I am a planner.
I like thinking ahead.
I like being prepared.
I get a high from being on top of things.
But some things are beyond planning. And life doesn't always turn out as planned.
You don't plan for a broken heart.
You don't plan for a failed business venture.
You don't plan for an adulterous husband.
Or a wife who wants you out of her life.
You don't plan for an autistic child.
You don't plan for spinsterhood.
You don't plan for a lump in your breast.
You plan to be young forever. You plan to climb the corporate ladder.
You plan to be rich and powerful. You plan to be acclaimed and successful. You plan to conquer the universe.
You plan to fall in love - and be loved forever.
You don't plan to be sad.
You don't plan to be hurt.
You don't plan to be broke.
You don't plan to be betrayed.
You don't plan to be alone in this world
You plan to be happy. You don't plan to be shattered. Sometimes if you work hard enough, you can get what you want. But most times, what you want and what you get are two different things.
We, mortals, plan. But so does God in the heavens.
Sometimes, it is difficult to understand God's plans - especially when His plans are not in consonance with ours. Often, when God sends us crisis, we turn to Him in anger.
True, we cannot choose the cross that God wishes us to carry, but we can carry that cross with courage knowing that
God will never abandon us nor send something we cannot cope with.
Sometimes, God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes, He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes, God sends us pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes, God sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes God sends us illness so we can take better care of ourselves.
Sometimes, God takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything He gave us.
Make plans but understand that we live by God's grace.

?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla
Birthday ko ngayon! Bwahahaha!!! Wala lang.. 18 na ako.. pwede nang makapasok sa CASINO!!! Wahahaha!!! Joke lang.. hindi naman ako gastador eh.. hehe..
Ayun.. how did I celebrate my birthday?? Hmm.. by waking up early and going to Melbourne Uni with my mom (ofcourse, she works there -_-) and attending my information seminar about my course. Which course ngapala am I talking about? (BASc) Bachelor of Arts & Sciences... want to know more about this course? Check this link!!!
Anyway, i have to go now... Andami ko kasing ka-chat.. it's impossible for me to write a post at the moment hehe..
BTW... For sure... Roger Federer will win the Australian Open!!! HEhe..
January 22, 2006
Hello Blog! !
Kamusta ka na? Birthday ngayon ni Joby! Wala lang… eh kasi nasanay na ako na may mga tao akong binabati before and after my birthday. Before my birthday, si Joby… and after my birthday, si Auntie Bhangie. Wala lang! Ayun, I promised you na I’ll make a ‘matinong’ email.. so here it is.. =)
Anyway, kahapon, nag-cha-chat kami ni Joby.. tinanong ko nga sa kanya kung na-invite mo siya sa concert ni Justin. Sabi niya wala namang daw nakapagsabi sa kanya. Kawawa naman siya, most of the time na-leleft out ng mga High School buddies niya. Although, nasabi niya sa akin na nag-online daw siya ng Friday night so most probably, walang naka-contact sa kanya pero he often uses his mother’s cellphone naman. Baka kokonti lang may alam ng number niya doon.
Also, last night… and uhmm.. hanggang midnight.. actually, 4 am.. magka-chat kami ni Joby. Hindi naman most of the time kasi minsan, nag-lo-log out siya to play RF. I was thankful na online siya. Sa lahat ng tao sa YM ko, siya lang yung online kagabi kaya relieved ako kasi natulungan niya ako sa paggawa ng resume ko. Then, nakapag-apply na ako for housekeeping jobs sa dalawang hotels (Hyatt and Langham) dito sa Melbourne. Super thankful ako sa kanya, binigyan pa niya ako ng sample na resume, idea sa isusuluat ko sa objective and he checked it before ko siya pinadala sa email ng employer. Kaso, ngayon ko lang natandaan na… hindi pala ako nakagawa ng cover letter… oh well, I guess that shows how idiotic I am sometimes… maghahanap pa rin ako ng ibang job in case I don’t get any offers sa housekeeping world. Although, masmaganda sana kung doon kasi most of the hotels are situated in Melbourne City which is near my Uni.. kaya convenient sana siya instead of looking a job na malapit dito sa bahay, mag-rurush lang ako pauwi.
Kanina, I celebrated my birthday for the third time. Ok lang… actually, they wanted to greet me sa birthday ko.. but mostly, it was to congratulate me for getting a high grade (daw) and getting a place at Melbourne Uni (mahirap kasing makapasok sa university na yun.. either may utak ka… or may pambayad ng mataas na tuition fee). They gave me.. $125.. not bad at all.. until inutang ni mama yung $70 >_< oh well.. ayos lang… utang naman for mama is equivalent to pahingi, which I don’t mind naman. Ayun.. ang init dito kanina.. 43 degrees (imagine that -_-).. kahit naka-3 pahid na ako ng sunscreen.. nagka-sun burn pa rin ako.. pagka-uwi sa bahay, I took a bath for the second time… refreshing naman.. pero.. kaasar lang since uneven nanaman ang skin tone ko..kelan ba naging even?!?
For now, yun na lang muna ang mattype ko. I have to sleep early and wake up early since mag-eenroll ako tom…. Aga ko pa naman kailangang nasa City.. that would mean na 2 hours ahead ako magigising.. 30 mins to prepare, 5 mins drive then 1 hour train… oh well.. I’ll be with mama naman kaya, I’ll be fine. Sige ah, mauuna na ako!
![]() | You scored as Trendy. Your A Trendy
What Group Are You? Chav, Rocker, Skater, Emo, Goth, Trendy, Prepy E.c.t created with |
![]() | You scored as Cedric Diggory. If you went to Hogwart you would be the lucky girl fucking Cedric Diggory! Congratulations! Popular, good looking, and a hell of an athlete. All he had to do was look at you and you were on your bakck! MMMMM I bet that sex is golden! too bad he dies... o well, enjoy that fine peice of man while he lasts.. go ahead girl, go head get down...
You scored as Fun. Your fun fun fun! Please rate my quiz!
what kind of person are you? (shy,outgoing,fun,mean,immature,dramatic or nice?) created with |
![]() | You scored as Hell Yea. U are totally in love, u would do anything to be with this person and u would die for them.
Are u in love??????? created with |
You scored as Titanic. Rent it, you'll like it.
![]() | You scored as The Notebook. You have strong, passionate love like the notebook!
What Chick Flick is just like Your Life? created with |
You scored as You show people the little bit of you so they can guess the rest. These people feel insecure with shareing their deepest thoughts and feelings. They often find themselves debating whether or not they should just tell the person how they feel or not say anything at all. Sometimes they get frustrated because other's don't really understand their point. Mainly they tend to go in circles with what they are really trying to say.
How do you like to hide your feelings? created with |
![]() | You scored as Candlelight dinner. It's late in the evening, he pics you up with a limo and takes you to a beautiful restaurant near the sea. Your table has a beautiful view. He gives you a red rose and smiles so beautifully that you almost faint. You sit hours just looking at each other and feeling the electricity. He looks you straight into your eyes and tells you how beautiful you look. At the end of the date he drives you home, walks you to the door. He slowly comes closer and gives you a passionte kiss.
What is your dream date like? created with |
You scored as Him. He loves you more than you love him. Though you both are at a good point in the relationship at the moment he is crazy about you. He knows and trusts you just a little bit more than you do him. I like the ratings so... give me some imput!
Who loves who more in your relationship?(Girls Only Please) created with |
![]() | You scored as Ashton Kutcher. Congrats!!! Ashton Kutcher will kiss you! You are somewhat selfish (no offense) but a very pleasent personality.
What celebrity is going to kiss you?(for girls) created with |
U Turn
Tonight its been a year
we met each other here
Here I am all alone
as thoughts of you go on
Hear me cryin out to you
you said, Never, never would I leave
Heres a tear from me to you
and maybe it will make you hear me
I loved you
You didnt feel the same
Though were apart
Youre in my heart
Give me one more chance to
Make it real
In a dream you are here
You smile and hold me near
And in my heart Ill pretend
that you are here again
Hear me cryin out to you
You said, Never, never would I leave
Heres a tear from me to you
and maybe it will make you hear me
Give me one more chance to
Make it real
The Speaks
Whenever you're with me
Im trying so hard to find sweet serenity
I am still afraid Just close your eyes and dream
And feel it fade away
* Time won't flow
Everyone knows
When the pain fades away
Dreams won't die
Tears in our eyes
You got to hold your head up high
Hold your head up high
Just take it sometime
God give enough the will
To change your state of mind
Just try and understand
Its not so hard to see
That i am just a man
* Time won't flow
Everyone knows
When the pain fades away
Dreams won't die
Tears in our eyes
You got to hold your head up high
Hold your head up high
Whenever you're with me
Im trying so hard to find sweet serenity
Try to understand
Its not so hard to see
That i am just a man
* Time won't flow
Everyone knows
When the pain fades away
Dreams won't die
Tears in our eyes
You got to hold your head up high
Hold your head up high (Repeat 3x)
Kakadating ko lang kahapon dito sa Melbourne... at may malakinghang-over pa rin ako sa naging bakasyon ko sa Pilipinas. Oh well...Kailangan ko talagang bumalik dito since I have to enroll in Uni na.
Ang saya ng naging bakasyon ko sa Pilipinas, although bitin... ganun talaga..kapag bored ka parang ang bagal ng oras.. pero kapag naman masaya ka.. angbilis ng oras ano? Oh well... i guess ganun talaga when you start living abroad.
Oh well.. i can't stop thinking of what happened from November 26 until January 16.Grabe... parang walang katapusan ang saya... hindi na iniisip ang pagod.. puro gimik.Now, I'm stuck at home.. taking care of my brothers and ofcourse stuck on net all day.
Kanina, I was able to talk again with Annie... had some updates sa mga bagayna na-miss ko. Wala nga kaming masyadong napag-usapan eh.. mostly, tungkol sa nagingbakasyon ko.. buti pa siya makakabalik sa Pinas this year ng dalawang beses. Perook lang yun. Ako naman, I have to think ahead of College...
Haaay.. finally!! I'm finished with High School... kung mag-graduate ka ba naman ngdalawang beses ng High School.. db nakakasawa din? Pero ok lang.. masaya at kakaibangexperience ang HS sa pinas at dito. Now, it's time to think of COLLEGE!!! Wuhoo!!!Iba ka talaga Terna!!! Nakapasok ka ng Melbourne Uni!!!! KAKAIBA KA!!!
2005 Rank of Melbourne Uni:
Top 100 Asia Pacific Universities: 7
Ranked #19 in the world
Oh db? Wala lang...
Anyway... kahapon.. pagkadating ko sa bahay.. ang una kong ginawa ay gisingin angdalawa kong kapatid. Pagkatapos nun ay nag-internet na kaagad ako (hindi naman akoo.a. db?) pero ayun.. naka-chat ko tita ko and ofcourse si Ivan (^_^). Tapos angginawa ko buong magdamag ay ang mag-upload ng mga pics sa aking multiply account.Nag-online din sila Camille, Istin at Joby. Eh ayun.. puro kamustahan.. habangnag-uupload pa rin ako ng pics. buti nalang at 150 pics ang limit ko for this month.Pero mukhang kukulangin ako.
Upload lang ako ng upload hanggang sa hindi na kinaya ng patience ko ang pag-uuploadng mga pics ko noong debut.. ang tagal tagal eh! Kaya ayun.. natulog na lang ako..Oops.. before I slept pala, I sent my boyfriend a response sa email niya... haay..I MISS HIM!!!!!! I MISS YOU!!!!
*** ahh ngapala.. nagulat din ako at binisita ni Jacky yung account namin ni ivan samultiply... malamang nakita niya ang mga pics namin... inisa-isa ko kasi kung alinsa mga pages ang mga tinignan niya eh! >_<
Ngayong araw na ito.. lalabas nanaman ako today for a new adventure! Bwahahaha!!!
Anyway, eto.. dapat kaninang umaga pupunta ako sa Stella para bumisita sa aking minamahal na iskul. Kaso... ako'y tinamad at nag-decide na matulog na lang...
Umalis sila Nanay at Daddy kasama si Tito Aps para pumunta ng Embassy at umuwi na ng probinya. Mga tita ko naman nagsipasok sa kanilang work.. eto ako.. nag-mamanicure at maya maya ay aalis na rin.
Mga 6 or 7 ata ng umaga nagising din ako... nagtext kay ivan para mag-meet kami ngayong araw na ito.. siyempre miss ko na siya eh.. ahehe..
Paglabas ko ng bahay napag-isip-isip ko na lakarin na lang mula sa bahay papuntang cubao. Pagtawid ko mula Ali Mall papuntang Rustans... nasira ang poise ng lola mo... natanggal ang nasa-ilalim ng takongsa kaliwang sandal ko.. buti naman at hindi obvious at walang tao... kunwari nalang na walan problema habang naglalakad... medyo inisip ko na bumalik ng ali mall at ipa-ayos ito a Mr. Quickie.. pero.. wag na lang... bibili nalang ako ng panibago... pamalit sa isa kong sandal na naiwan ko sa probinsya...
So... eto naglakad ako mula Rustans papuntang Value Station... doon, bumili na ako ng bagong sandal na puti.. ok naman iya infairness at nakuha ko lang siya ng P150.. na ang original price eh P200... tapos napag-desisyonan ko na ngayon na ako bibili ng bag.. ayun bumili ako ng bags... yung isa.. para kay mama tapos yung dalawa naman, naaliw lang ako at para sa akin iyon. Hehe... Naka-abot ako ng P1,050 na ang original price dapat ay P1,150...
Ayun, lakad nanaman ako mula sa Value Station papunta sa Farmers... kasi magpapapalit ako ng pera dahil wala na akong cash!!!!! mula doon, naglakad nanaman ako papuntang mrt station at bababa ako sa Ortigas Station. Pagbaba ko doon, lakad nanaman ang loka mula doon papunta sa UA&P dahil maglu-lunch kami ni Ivan. Buti na lang at pagdating ko doon ay papalabas na rin siya ng school.
Nag-lunch kami sa food court ng Shangri-La at doon kami nag-bonding... napag-isip-isip ko na umuwi na lang kasi madami na rin akong nabili at walang tatao sa bahay... siya naman, gusto na ring umuwi dahil may sakit ang mama niya.
After naming mag-lunch naglakad kami from there pabalik ng UA&P para kunin ni Ivan ang gamit niya at para makigamit na rin ako ng toilet (hehe). Nakita ko nanaman ang iba sa berks niya which is nice actually, wala nga kaming bonding kaya kakaunti lang sa kanila ang kilala ko (by name & face). At most especially... nakita ko siya.... si 'YOU-HURTED-ME'... sino siya? si 'THE-GIRL-WHO-NEEDS-TO-STUDY-ENGLISH.' Hinatid niya ako sa bahay thru taxi then tumambay muna sa bahay habang ako ay sumusubok mag-connect sa internet..
Ni-leche-leche na ako nung nalaman ko na mali yung internet card na nabili ko (at akala ko pa naman ay nakatipid na ako dun)...kaya heto sabay kaming lumabas ni ivan.. siya papunta ng sakayan ng jeep para umuwi, at ako naman, para mag-internet..
Eto ako ngayon sa netopia...inu-update ang sarili ko a internet world.. sa wakas, na-confirm na rin ang scholarship ko sa Monash. Eto naman at andaming pinapabili nila mama at mayamaya lang ay mag-log out na ako at manonood ng sine kasama si Tita Glo at Kuya Mike.
Ayun.. then after kong mag-internet sa labas... bumili ako ng bag ng laptop for only P250.. oh di ba bargain na iyon? Maganda naman siya, infairness.. Tapos nun, nanood kami nila Tita Glo at Kuya Mike ng Blue Moon.. ganda ng movie.. napaluha ako.. pero siyempre.. wala pa ring tatalo sa The Notebook =)
January 8, 2006
Bilis ng Panahon no? Kahapon nasa probinsya lang kami.. umaga akong ginising kasi bibiyahe nga kami ngayon pabalik ng Cubao... ang aga nila Uncle Ham.. kami naman magdamag na nakatambay sa sofa.. inaantay ang pag-alis namin.
Dumating ang 3 pm, saka kami umalis ng Pangasinan.. ready to go na ako.. tapos, dadaan pa pala kami ng Tarlac para pumunta sa isang sayawan dahil may kasalan na magaganap. Ayun.. pagdating namin sa Tarlac (dahil wala si Ate Rosiel)..napagkamalan na ako ang asawa ni kuya (huwag naman po!!!!!!) so ayun... pagdating naman ng 11pm.. saka kami umalis ng Tarlac papuntang maynila.. 2 ng madaling araw kami nakarating at diretcho bagsak kami ni Kuya sa kama!!!!!
Mga 5 AM ginising kaming lahat para magpunta ng airport (d na nga ako nag-ayos eh)... ang tagal namin doon kasi inaantay pa ang dating nila Ate Rosiel bitbit si Cian.. pagdating niya diretcho akyat ng Departure area at umalis na rin sila... then dumaan pa kami ng Espanya para ihatid si Ate Budjo sa tinutuluyan niya bago naman ako nakarating sa bahay.
Dahil may usapan dapat na magkikita kami kahapon eh, na-udlot kasi nga ang tagal ko sa probinsya.. Nilipat namin this day.. so eto.. pagdating ko sa bahay, nag-ayos na ako at by 10:45 am ay umalis na ako para kitain si Ivan sa Makati.
Sinundo niya ako sa MRT station ng Ayala tapos kasama namin the whole day ang family niya. Actually, maganda nga eh.. (naks, feeling naman ako na i'm one of them). Pagka-meet namin sa Mama ni Ivan,we went straight sa chapel sa Greenbelt to hear mass... afterwards, pumunta kami sa Glorietta where I saw his dad.. then nanood kami ng movie, Narnia, with Ivan & his mother. After that, nasa labas na ng movie house ang kuya at tatay ni Ivan at kumain kami sa Fridays. Na-umay ako sa burger na in-order ko.. ang laki pala... -_- then ayun... dumaan kami sa office ng dad ni Ivan sa may shaw blvd... habang inutusan kami napick-up yung pants ng dad niya sa shangri-la... then hinatid nila ako sa house....
Haha.. one special day with the del Rosario family.. I'm glad to meet all of them. ^_^ pag-uwi ko.. tulog ka-agad ako kasi wala akong tulog eh hehehe..
January 6, 2006
Kahapon was Daddy's Birthday!!! Actually, noong Jan.4, nagbiyahe kami pa-uwi ng Cubao dahil sa 5 na ang uwi nila mama sa Australia... bilis ng panahon! Noong Jan.4 pala ay kinuha ko yung photo prints sa venue para masilayan naming lahat ang mga pictures noong debut.
Pagkadating galing airport noong jan.5, umalis sila Uncle Ham papuntang Cavite para may bisitahin... sila Auntie Bhangie naman ay pumunta rin ng Cavite para naman ihatid si Ate Rosiel. Habang ako naman ay umalis, para puntahan si Ivan at i-abot ko yung souveneir ko noong debut sa kanya. Pagkatapos noon.. bumili ako sa tiangge sa St. Francis Square Mall (???) then naghiwalay na rin kami ni Ivan. Pag-uwi ko naman, diretcho kami ni Tito Aps sa venue para naman mag-order ng prints at i-finalize lahat.
Pagbalik ko sa bahay, diretcho biyahe naman kami papunta ng Pangasinan (napilitan nga lang akong umuwi eh. Infairness, enjoy naman ang biyahe kasi we (Me & Kuya) were making fun of people sleeping!! Hehe... pagdating sa pangasinan... ayun.. kinurakot ni kuya ang pera ko para lang maka-kain sila ng chowking!!!! badtrip..
The next day, pumunta kami ni Kuya ng Manaoag para magsimba.. after naman noon ay balak sana naming magpunta sa puntod ni auntie Maura pero hindi natuloy dahil tumawag si mama dahil na-offeran pala ako ng scholarship sa monash.. kelangan ko iyon i-confirm. Kaya nagpunta kami sa internet shop para mag-confirm. Then... ayun.. umuwi na rin.
January 3, 2005
Haay.. eto na... eto na ang mga latest happenings sa mga buhay buhay namin... New Year na!!! Noong December 30.. after my debut... ayun, hinatid namin sila Istin at Rose sa bahay nila. Pagkadating ko sa bahay... may lakad pala kami for the day... And we're going to Batangas. Actually, ok lang sa akin.. kesa naman na maiwan ako sa bahay db? So ayun.. Habang nasa likod ng Adventure, madalas naming nilalaro si Cian at eto namang si Kuya walang katapusan ang pag-cocomment tungkol kay Ivan -_-. Hayun.. pagkadating namin sa Batangas, ilang oras din akong natulog sa may sofa.. tapos nag-dinner. Then, binisita namin ang bahay ni Ninong Mario. Let me rephrase it... binisita namin ang mansion ni Ninong Mario (hehe). Ayun.. naaliw kaya kami sa mga alaga niyang mga aso.. grabe.. ang lalaki!!!! Ayun.. kumain kami doon ng dessert tapos umalis narin kami. Mga 5 or 6 pm na siguro kami doon umalis. After noon, may dinaanan kami sa Batangas na house ng aming mga newly-found relatives sa Australia na nagbabakasyon din sa Pinas. After a while... nag-decide sila na pumunta na ng Cavite. Actually... pagod na kami eh.. pero ayun.. pinuntahan namin ang bahay ng magiging in-laws ng aking pinsan. Infairness, very hospitable naman sila.. kaso hindi namin masyadong na-appreciate dahil super late na... Finally... by 1 am, naka-uwi na rin kami.
The very next day, I wasn't feeling well... ang sakit ng ulo ko at feeling ko ay masusuka na ako. Hindi ako BUNTIS! Haha!! Dahil iyon sa sunod-sunod na biyahe na nangyare kahapon... eh ayun.. pumunta nanaman kami ng Pangasinan to spend New Years there. Pagkadating namin sa Pangasinan, kasama ko si Ate Rosiel para bumili ng birthday cake ni Cian. At dahil yun ay ang araw before New Year, daming tao sa mall.. nagpunta kami ng Cindy's at doon kami nag-order ng birthday cake niya (na kukunin namin the next day). Then, doon din kami nagkitakita nila Kuya... at grabe.. nakaka-intimidate silang kasama.. ang dami nila.. -_- pero ayos lang. Ganun naman sila eh.. Ayun.. Pagkatapos nun, naka-isip sila ng gimik... bumili kami ng pang-itaas na mga polka-dots para isuot para sa NEw Year.. tawa nga kami ng tawa habang bumibili...pagka-uwi sa bahay... nag-reready na ang lahat for New Year!
New Year came... masaya.. nung mga 11 pm, nag-decide na kami na magpalit ng damit (yung polkadots) at sasayawin namin ang Pinoy Ako.. pero.. napahiya lang kami.. walang pumansin sa amin.. nagsiuwian na ang mga tao at.. hindi pa gumana yung ipod.. anyway.. ayun.. after ng new year mismo, may bonding nanaman kaming magpipinsan.. pero ako naman.. maaga na akong natulog, meaning sa aming magpipinsan, ako yung pinaka-maagang natulog this time.. super KJ ko sa kanilang lahat.. kasi nga masama pakiramdam ko... habang sila.. nagkkwentuhan, videoke at todo papak sa fishball, squidball at kikiam (na namimiss ko na ngayon -_-). When daylight came (naks, english!) ayan.. medyo ok na ng kaonti ang pakiramdam ko. Nagpunta kami ni Ate Rosiel sa Magic Mall para balikan ang cake... at hep! matutuwa ka ba naman kung sabihin nila na wala yung cake?!? ayun.. upto the last minute.. naghahanap kami ng cake! Buti nalang at mayroon sa Red Ribbon.. ayos lang iyon! Chocolate cake pa db? Noong nightfall naman.. hayan.. nang-aya sila sa sayawan. Sadly, hindi naman kami pina-upo ng mga ka-member ng association ng Camantiles. At oo... gumana nanaman ang pagka-KJ ko.. umuwi rin ako ng maaga this time kasi nga i'm not feeling well (HINDI AKO BUNTIS!).. Ngapala... Monthsary namin ni Ivan.. =) 49 months na kami = 4 years and 1 month. Saya no?
The next day, January 2, ayun.. same situation ulit.. may pinuntahan kaming sayawan.. this time, naka-tricycle lang kami.. hindi na namin sinama yung tatlo (and hindi ata sila papayagan) kaya ayun.. sumandali lang kami doon. Nanood lang ng ms. Gay at umuwi na.
Noong January 3 naman... nag-outing ang buong tribo!!! Nag-swimming kami sa Goldland Resort... maganda.. madami pools.. kaso ang nakaka-inis lang.. sa isang pool.. may mga engot na mga KSP (kulangot sa pader) na ewan! basta! mabbwisit ka na lang talaga! eto pa.. sa isang pool naman.. may isang pasimpleng nag-rerecord sa video cam niya.. mga engot ano? Pero ok lang.. buti nalang at maaga silang umalis! Ahh ngapala.. after ilang years.. sa araw na ito ako ulit nakakain ng shawarma ^_^ Hehe..
December 29, 2005
Ang aking debut!!!! Bwahahaha!!! Medyo malungkot nga eh.. kasi upto the last minute ang daming mga tao ang hindi nakarating.. grabe ano? Sayang naman...
Anyway, masaya pa rin siya kasi andun lahat ng mga importanteng tao sa buhay ko... super engrande nga kung titignan kaso kulang lang talaga sa pagiging organized.. sabagay... wala kasi kaming practice (pano naman kami magppractice eh, halos lahat naman ng mga kamag-anak ko eh pabalik-balik ng probinsya...)
Siguro mga 11 pa ata ng umaga ay naandun na kami sa venue.. inaayos na nila lahat.. ang ganda nga ng motiff ko eh.. Rainbow colors.. natuwa ako sa set-up.. lalo na yung gazebo kung saan ako uupo. Inayusan din ako ni Remy.. siya rin yung gay na nag-ayos sa mama ko nung kasal niya.. grabe no? HAha... feeling niya tumatanda na daw siya.. pagbalik ko daw sa kanya kasal ko naman daw! Hehe.. ayun.. inayusan din niya ang mga relatives ko pati na rin si Rio. Pagdating ng mga 5 pm, pictorial ko na.. hindi nga ako comfortable ng mga solo eh.. lalo na kapag sa acting sa video.. mukha akong >_< weirdo... at natatawa na lang ako sa mga pa-smile smile effect.. >_<
Anong nangyare? Pagkalabas ko ng room.. andun na si ivan.. siyempre.. kumpleto na araw ko diba? HAhaha... ayun.. nagpa-ayos din siya.. aba! dapat lang no! Gwapo naman niya that night.. (kasi inayusan hehe..) So ayun.. madaming na-late.. kasi madami ang naligaw.. hehe..
After the whole program.. mukhang walang ginanahan mag-dance.. kaya ayun.. nagsi-akyatan ang iba sa mga tao at nagbihis na para mag-swimming!!!! Ang bilis kaya.. after nun.. ayun.. nagsiuwian ang iba sa mga tao.. pero anyway.. naka-bonding ko that night sila Rose, Istin, Bryan at Marlou.. malufet.. hehe..
December 28, 2005
Ngayon ko inaayos ang mga dapat kong i-finalize para sa debut ko... bumili ako ng Rose Petals, si mama naman bumili ng sapatos niya, nagpa-manicure at pedicure din ako sa F Salon (doon na rin ako nagpa-relax ng buhok), bumili ako ng alahas na gagamitin ko that night, binilhan din namin si mama ng alahas na gagamitin niya pati na rin ang pin na ilalagay niya... hmmm.. ano pa ba? ahh.. nag-finalize din kami ng mga taong pupunta at ng seating arrangement.
Noong december 27, 2005... ano na nga ba ang nangyare noong araw na ito? Ang alam ko.. nag-date kami ni Ivan.. actually, para ngang double date ang nangyare.. kasama kasi namin ang pinsan ni Ivan (Kuya Richard, tama?) at ang girlfriend niya. Hindi namin nakasama si Dimple kasi wala siya sa work place niya.. ayun.. from El Pueblo.. nilakad namin papuntang Gale para manood kami ng movie na 'Ako Legal Wife' in fairness, may mga scenes naman doon na magaganda at nakakatuwa. After nun, naghiwalay na din kami (meaning.. with Ivan's cousin and his gf) at nagbiyahe na kami papunta sa Cubao... doon nagtingin-tingin ako ng Rose petals and ayun.. namili (na wala naman akong nabili...) si ivan.. may nabili! Hehe.. After nun, nanood naman kami ng Mulawin.. pero hindi na namin natapos kasi pinapa-uwi na ako sa bahay since andun na Family ko sa Cubao (just arrived from Pangasinan)
Nagbiyahe naman kami papuntang Maynila noong December 26.. kasama ko sa Car sila Uncle Islao (driver, ofcourse), si Hari (Personal Assistant ng lahat), si Ate Rosiel, Kuya Chris at siyempre.. si Cian. Ayun.. kapagod ang biyahe.. nauna na ako kanila mama kasi aasikasuhin ko pa nga ang ilang details para sa debut ko.. sana maging maganda ang outcome ng debut no?
December 25, 2005
Christmas!!!! Noong 24, nagkaron kami ng usual na celebration ng christmas sa bahay... ang weird nga eh.. kasi kokonti lang ang dumating... at ang aga natapos.. hmmm... anyway.. nung christmas day mismo, we went to Tarlac.. para bisitahin ang family side nila Auntie Helen... ayos lang.. masaya naman sila.. minsan lang naman kasi sila magkakaroon ng reunion eh.. After that, bumalik na rin kami sa Pangasinan.. at kinagabihan.. ayun! Nagpunta ulit kami sa sayawan.
Noong 23 kami dumating sa Pangasinan and that night, may sayawan kaming pinuntahan.. pagkatapos namin magpunta ng sayawan umuwi kami at nag-practice ng pinoy ako hehe.. by 3 am.. napag-isipan naming dumaan sa simbahan at mag-simbang gabi.. guess what? lahat kami tulog sa simbahan... at dahil nakakahiya naman sa mga taong nagsisimba.. umuwi na rin kami. 10 tao kami sa iisang tricycle.. grabe no?
December 22, 2005
This day umalis sila Uncle Ham papunta ng Tarlac... Buong araw ko kasama family ko (i think.. based on my memory). Actually, hindi ko na nga ma-alala yung mga happenings nung araw na ito... haha... hindi na reliable ang memory ko ah...
Pero one thing is certain, by 8 pm, we went to the Venue, sa Villa Ronar para mag-free taste and to finalize the needed arrangements para sa debut. =)
December 21, 2005
Hindi ko masyadong nagustuhan ang nangyari this day... Eh kasi ganito yun...
Simula ng nagising ako ay nagpunta na kami sa Cubao para mag-shopping... ayun.. ,nakaka-inip.. magdamag kami sa SM Cubao tapos lumipat ng Gateway...
This day sabi nila Auntie na gusto nilang makilala si Ivan.. so ayun, nagtext ako sa kanya and he told me na pupunta naman daw siya. Pagkadating niya, ayun.. bonding sila with Bry... Wala ring masyadong 'interview' na nangyari kasi dumating na rin yung dad niya.
Bakit hindi ko nagustuhan yung nangyare this day? Dahil sa isang kabastusan na nakakahiyang sabihin at ipakita sa isang bisita. >_<
December 20, 2005
This day, dumating sila Uncle Ham.. wala lang!
Normal lang na pagbati at pag-welcome... and naisip ko na lumabas at mag-distribute ng invitation. Ayun.. nabigyan ko rin si Istin, nagpahatid ako kay Tito Abner sa bahay nila... at dumiretcho ako kanila Ivan para bisitahin siya sa house nila.
Pagdating ko sa house mga 6 pm na ata nun, ayun.. punta kami nila Tita Glo, Aaron at Bryan sa Ali Mall para i-meet si Kuya Micheal at nanood kami ng King Kong...
Comment ko sa King Kong: Nice movie, very long... but ang bilis ng ending.. hindi ko masyadong na-appreciate pero generally, the movie is good.
Pagka-uwi namin, kakadating lang din pala nila Mama kasama sila Uncle Ham galing sila ng MAkati at nag-shopping sila.
December 19, 2005
Dumating si Ivan sa house na hindi pa ako prepared.. kakahiya.. naghintay siya for a while para maghanda ako (maligo, mag-ayos, magdamit, etc..) at ayun.. lumarga na kami.. actually.. wala naman kaming pinuntahan.. nag-ikot lang kami sa Cubao.. kumain sa Jollibee at ano pa ba? yun lang eh... uhmm.. nakabili na rin pala siya sa wakas ng Kid's Toy.. si Cyclops ng X-Men -_-
December 18, 2005
Nagpunta kami nila Tita Ria, Tita Flor, Tita Irene at Joan sa Makati para kunin yung gown na nabili ko at para bilhan si Joan ng dress na isusuot niya sa debut. Actually, d pala niya trip ang dress.. hehe.. basta pang-girl na damit. Then afterwards, kumain kami sa North Park.
December 17, 2005
Ngayon lumabas kami ni Ivan... siyempre date namin.
Actually, nakalimutan ko na yung nangyare noong araw na ito... kasi naman matagal tagal na rin akong hindi nakapag-update ng blog ko.. hehe.. madalang nalang ako mag-net lately kasi nasa Pilipinas pa ako. Walang masyadong boredom.
Ang alam ko lang... noong dumating si Ivan, hindi pa ako nakakapaghanda pero nakaligo naman na ako... wait lang... ah! naalala ko na!!!
Eto yung araw na nagpunta kami ni Ivan sa Greenhills!! Ganito yun.. tinuruan kami ni Tito Abner kung papaano mag-commute papunta doon via jeep... Hehe.. sakay lang ng papuntang Camp Aguinaldo and then sasabihin ng driver kung saan bababa tapos maglalakad nalang sa gilid-gilid para makarating sa greenhills..
Noong naka-sakay na kami sa Jeep ni Ivan... siyempre kabado kami pareho kasi baka mamaya mali ang dadaanan ng Jeep.. pero continue pa rin kami.. hanggang sa sinabi ng driver na baba na kami at kakanan papuntang greenhills... tapos nilakad-lakad namin ni Ivan... to be honest, naligaw kami.. buti nalang at may mga tindahan para pagtanungan namin ng directions. Fortunately, nakarating naman kami.
Pagkadating namin sa Greenhills, pumunta muna kami sa Jollibee para kumain ng lunch. Naaliw nga si Ivan sa happy meal ng Jollibee.